Workshop Courses
- Topics for General Education Teachers
(over 8 hours) - Improving learning and independence
(over 5 hours) - Improving Social Skills
(over 7 hours) - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder
(over 4 hours)
- Introduction to Behavior Management
(over 7 hours) - Managing Challenging Behaviors
(over 9.5 hours) - Special Topics Series
(6 hours) - Webinar Series
(25 hours)
Topics for General Education Teachers

Duration: 1:15
In this intermediate-level workshop, you’ll learn why and how the concept of inclusion is fostered in many schools, along with strategies to overcome common problems related to group instruction, curriculum, and social integration into an inclusive classroom.

Understanding and Responding to Behavior in the General Education Environment
Duration: 1:20
This workshop walks you through the five steps of behavior analysis: identifying problem behaviors, taking data, developing hypotheses, determining probable functions and creating a behavioral plan, with the ultimate goal of decreasing problem behaviors.

Accommodations and Adaptations for Classrooms
Duration: 1:15
In this workshop, you’ll focus on four areas often considered for adaptations and accommodations for students with disabilities in a general education classroom. You’ll look at ways to address the physical environment, to provide relief for students’ sensory needs, to offer support by way of visual strategies, and to deal with behavioral issues.

Classroom Strategies for Addressing Social Challenges
Duration: 1:10
In this workshop, you’ll learn what social skills are, why they’re important in the context of a classroom, and how a general education teacher can address deficits in students with disabilities, using both teaching and support strategies.

Classroom Strategies for Addressing Communication Challenges
Duration: 0:55
This workshop will focus on communication issues for students with disabilities in a general education classroom. First, you’ll review typical communication-skill development to provide a frame of reference.
Next, you’ll see how a student with disabilities is affected by their communication ability. Finally, you’ll learn some useful support strategies to help and how to implement them.

Classroom Strategies for Addressing Independence Challenges
Duration: 0:35
In this workshop, you’ll begin by understanding what “independence” means to students with disabilities. Then you’ll investigate three types of support strategies that can significantly help: activity routines, activity schedules, and transition routines.

Introduction to Data Collection
Duration: 0:25
This workshop addresses the importance of taking and using data when working with students diagnosed with disabilities. You’ll review the meaning of, in this context, “systematic, quantitative data” and learn easy ways to record it. You’ll also learn about the four dimensions of behavior—duration, intensity, frequency, and latency. And finally, you’ll see ways to display your results in an easy-to-understand form.

Classroom Strategies for Addressing Ritual Challenges
Duration: 0:55
Students with disabilities frequently engage in ritual behaviors that can be disturbing to those unacquainted with the tendency. In this workshop, you’ll gain a perspective on what ritual behaviors are and how they can be triggered. Finally, you’ll learn how to teach a student to replace the objectionable behavior with another that’s more acceptable.

Classroom Strategies for Addressing Sensory Challenges
Duration: 0:55
In this workshop, you’ll delve into the issue of sensory challenges for students with disabilities. You’ll also learn current thinking on why these issues probably arise. Finally, you’ll learn about a number of strategies that can help students with disabilities in the general education classroom cope with their sensory challenges.
Topics for Improving Learning and Independence

Learning and Independence Skills
Duration: 1:05
In this intermediate-level workshop, you’ll learn why and how the concept of inclusion is fostered in many schools, along with strategies to overcome common problems related to group instruction, curriculum, and social integration into an inclusive classroom.

Learning and Independence Support Strategies
Duration: 1:15
This workshop focuses on five types of strategies to support learning and independence in students with disabilities. These five specific strategies prepare you to implement changes tomorrow to help your

Learning Styles with Autism
Duration: 1:15
In this workshop, you’ll focus on the learning styles of most students with disabilities. You’ll learn about both their common weaknesses and some strengths, and by the end of this workshop, you’ll have the foundation of best practices that leverage their strengths to overcome their weaknesses.

The Impact of Learning with Autism
Duration: 0:50
This workshop addresses the daily impact, in an empathetic and respectful manner, that a diagnosis of autism brings. Starting with a focus on the students themselves, you’ll ultimately see how these challenges affect you and your classroom.

Case Studies in Learning
Duration: 1:10
The final workshop in this course uses the stories of six students—Melissa, Greg, Ryan, Mitchell, Tim, and Toby—to bring the challenges for students on the autism spectrum to life. Focused on learning and independence skills, the workshop shows how six talented and committed teachers can help these students.

Using Shaping and Chaining to Teach: From Simple Skills to Complex Sequences
Duration: 0:40
This workshop will show you how to use shaping and chaining to build functional skills that allow learners to be more independent in caring for themselves.

Facilitating Learning through Prompts and Prompt Fading
Duration: 1:30
Prompting is a method that enhances the effectiveness of teaching. You can use prompts to increase correct responses and prompt fading to increase a student’s independence. You will learn about the different types of prompts that can be used to enhance learning and how to use and effectively fade prompts to increase independence.
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Duration: 1:15
In this workshop, you’ll gain a good understanding of what the term Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) means, including its history and the prevalence of this type of disorder. You’ll also explore the most common areas of difficulty for those diagnosed with autism, and learn how families are affected when a child is diagnosed with autism or one of its related disorders.

Possible Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Duration: 1:20
In this second workshop within the Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder, you’ll look at the possible causes under investigation by researchers. While no conclusive answer has yet been found, science is looking hard at areas including biological, medical, and environmental.

Core Deficits in Students with Autism
Duration: 0:36
This workshop will give you a foundational understanding of the major areas of developmental delays and other challenges faced by students with autism. These include social interaction, communication and behavioral issues.

U. S. Federal Law
Duration: 0:56
This final workshop of the Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder course presents a comprehensive overview of U.S. federal legislation that ensures that all students qualifying for special education receive appropriate services, including a free, appropriate public education (FAPE), in the least restrictive environment (LRE). You’ll also explore the process that qualifies a student for special education, and learn about the required components of an individual educational program (IEP).
Introduction to Behavior Management

Introduction to the Principles and Functions of Behavior
Duration: 1:55
In this workshop, you’ll gain a good understanding of how science views behavior and the basics of behavior management. In addition, you’ll learn about the four primary functions, or purposes, of human behavior and how behavior can be analyzed using a three-term-contingency approach. Finally, you’ll explore the four behavioral contingencies that can change behavior.

Proactive Crisis Management
Duration: 1:22
In this second workshop in Introduction to Behavior Management, you’ll focus on a behavior crisis, learning what it is, how it develops, and most important, ways to short-circuit or lessen a blow-up. In addition, you’ll learn seven steps for managing a crisis effectively. You’ll also learn when it’s appropriate to use physical restraint—and when it isn’t.

Working with Oppositional Students
Duration: 1:20
This workshop focuses on students with Oppositional and Defiant Disorder (ODD), especially those who also have a diagnosis of disabilities. You’ll learn what ODD is and common causes; how to control learning environments and behavior to minimize outbursts; and how to help students with ODD—and disabilities—replace behaviors with other, more acceptable ones.

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
Duration: 0:40
This workshop will introduce you to the basics of applied behavior analysis, and how it is used to teach new skills, decrease challenging behavior, and help people lead a more fulfilling life.

Introduction to Positive Behavior Support Plans
Duration: 1:20
This final workshop of the Introduction to Behavior Management Course addresses the creation of positive behavior support plans, explaining the purpose and use of these plans, how to incorporate proactive and reactive strategies and how to target replacement behaviors. Finally, you will learn why and how data is used to review and update behavior support plans.
Managing Challenging Behaviors

Proactive Behavior Management
Duration: 1:50
In this intermediate-level workshop, you’ll learn about setting events, antecedents, and functions of behavior—all concepts that behavior analysts use as they look at students’ actions scientifically. You’ll also see how understanding the function of behavior can help you proactively prevent the occurrence of behavioral issues.

Defining and Teaching Replacement Behaviors
Duration: 1:55
This workshop introduces two key concepts – “functionally equivalent behaviors” and “desired other behaviors”—and shows you how to use each one to address inappropriate behavior in the classroom.

Reactive Behavior Management
Duration: 1:40
In this workshop, you’ll focus on the reactive side of behavior management – what to do after a particular behavior occurs. Using the principle of positive reinforcement, you’ll learn how to use “extinction” to decrease problem behavior. You’ll also learn about differential reinforcement as a strategy. Finally, you’ll weigh the value of punishment as a behavioral change agent.
Improving Social Skills

Types of Social Skills
Duration: 0:55
In the first workshop in the course titled Improving Social Skills, you’ll investigate social skill deficits that affect individuals diagnosed with disabilities and discover useful strategies to teach social skills.

Activities to Develop Social Skills
Duration: 1:30
This workshop focuses on activities that can be used to teach social skills to students with disabilities. You’ll see how the five-step teaching process works to teach activities for each of the six social skills.

Support Strategies for Social Skills, Part I
Duration: 1:05
This workshop is Part I of two. In this part, you’ll learn how to use five types of support strategies to build a student’s social skills – predictable interactions, interactive games, unison activities, structured activities, and peer modeling. Part II presents two more strategies.

Support Strategies for Social Skills, Part II
Duration: 0:38
Following Part I, this workshop completes the two parts dealing with support strategies for social skill development. In this workshop, two more strategies are covered – choice boards and social narratives.

Teaching Social Skills
Duration: 1:15
In this workshop, you’ll see how much of the content presented in other workshops in this course comes together as six skilled and experienced teachers use a range of teaching strategies to help their students with disabilities. Using the five steps of a solid teaching process, you’ll follow each of them as they address one of the social skills with a student who might be a lot like one of yours.

The Impact of Social Challenges
Duration: 1:15
This workshop will show you the day-to-day impacts of a diagnosis of autism on an individual. Starting with an understanding of how the six foundational social skills normally develop in typical children, you’ll see the challenges of the three degrees of impairment on a student with autism and learn how both school performance and personal development are affected.
Special Topics Series

Teaching Appropriate Attention-Getting
Duration: 1:10
In this intermediate-level workshop, you’ll learn how to determine if a student with disabilities needs structured teaching of the specific skill of attention-getting. And if so, you’ll leave this workshop knowing how to teach them this skill, using visual explanations, modeling, and role-playing. In addition, you’ll see how to help them generalize this skill beyond your classroom.

Teaching an Individual to Ask for Breaks and Delays
Duration: 1:00
Knowing how to ask for a break can help a student with disabilities cope with sensory, academic, social, and other challenges when they threaten to overwhelm them. In this workshop, you’ll see how to use data to determine if a particular student needs help in this area and if so, how to teach this skill.

Toilet Training
Duration: 1:30
Few teachers are prepared to deal with toilet training in a school environment, but in some cases, this sensitive issue must be addressed. This workshop shows you how, in a matter-of-fact and very useful manner. You’ll learn the specific steps to teach, how to prepare for a successful teaching session, and best practices for making a success of the effort.

Visual Supports
Duration: 1:10
In this workshop, you’ll address visual supports for learning – what they are, why they’re used, and how to use them. You’ll also learn simple ways to create your own inexpensive and effective visual supports.

Token Economies and Other Creative Reinforcement Systems
Duration: 1:10
What is a “token economy”? This workshop will introduce you to the term and show you how the use of this kind of system can enhance your classroom. In addition, you’ll be introduced to several other reinforcement systems that can be used with token economies or on their own.
Webinar Series

Behavior Bootcamp
Duration: 1:00
Have you ever wondered how to get teachers prepared to work with some of the most challenging classroom behaviors? How do we build skill sets while at the same time make learning about behavior both fun and meaningful? In this workshop, we will provide a sample of our Behavior Bootcamp (on-site) training course. Participants will gain an understanding of how behavior works and some proven researched-based strategies that are known to get the desired behavioral improvements we all would like to see.

Classroom Management for All Teachers
Duration: 1:00
Effective and consistent classroom management skills are essential for every teacher in order to maintain a quality learning environment for all students. This workshop will equip teachers with the necessary tools in order to establish classroom guidelines, procedures, and behavior management techniques.

Early Detection and Prevention through Behavioral Universal Screening
Duration: 1:00
This workshop will share more about Universal Screening for Behavior and how it can help identify students that may be at an elevated risk for severe behavior, academic concerns, dropping out of school, and other risk factors.

Executive Functions Overview (Part 1)
Duration: 1:00
Executive functions are the skills needed to perform or execute a task. In this workshop, learn all about these essential 11 skills and how these skills can be learned and strengthened over time. With proficient executive functioning skills, individuals become more flexible, independent, better problem solvers, and better able to self regulate and self-advocate.

Executive Functions Overview (Part 2)
Duration: 1:00
In this workshop, learn how to utilize a task analysis assessment to identify executive functioning skill deficits. You can use a task analysis to break down the expectations your learner faces during their day, and then use observation and your knowledge of executive function skills to analyze what area your student needs to build skills in. Next, it is time to create a plan. The Executive Functioning Skill Building Plan involves four parts: 1) establish a behavioral goal based on the skill deficits you identified, 2) develop a procedure for teaching the skill, 3) plan environmental supports, and 4) plan for reinforcement. In this webinar, we focus on the procedure for teaching the skill.

Four Keys to Changing Behavior
Duration: 1:00
This workshop will share four keys to changing behavior and demonstrate how they are applicable in varying settings and situations. Theresa Shattuck shares practical ideas for use in the classroom and at home.

Getting Students Motivated & Engaged: Easier Said Than Done
Duration: 1:00
This workshop presents practical ideas to help educators with students who appear to lack the necessary motivation to stay engaged in classroom activities. Regardless of whether you work in special education or with the general education population, you will learn about strategies that have been successful for many teachers. These strategies, along with some of your own creativity, may be implemented immediately, with ideas and examples for all grade levels. Let’s explore the possibilities and get ready to rejuvenate classroom instruction!

Minimizing Chaos: Remote Learning for Students with Autism
Duration: 1:00
In this workshop, we’ll address the diverse needs of our students with Autism Spectrum Disorders during remote instruction. We will also explore how to engage students during both face-to-face instruction, as well as remote instruction. Participants will learn how use a student’s special interest and need for structure to ensure engaging instruction during this time where we, the adults, are required to be flexible.

Promoting Student Success as Schools Reopen
Duration: 1:00
After semester and semester of virtual learning, many districts are transitioning back to traditional classrooms. This workshop will explore ways to help ease this transition and get your students quickly back on track, providing you with ideas you can implement in your classroom immediately.

Reinforcement, Bribery or Negotiation?
Duration: 1:00
In this workshop, Sasha Long will share how positive behavior change is about teaching new, communicative skills. You will delve into what reinforcement is and how to use this tool effectively. Learn why bribery and negotiation leave you in a downward cycle. Participants will determine the difference between reinforcement and bribery. This session will provide actionable strategies you can use tomorrow and beyond and help you identify how little missteps may actually increase negative behaviors.

S/he Hit Me First” – Learning Proactive Solutions to Teach Social Emotional
Skills Through Daily Conflict
Duration: 1:00
This workshop will explore the relationship between personal loss and aggression/violence/revenge in the classroom and home, and offer proactive solutions for teachers and parents to start implementing immediately.

Simple, Effective Body-Centered Tools for Regulating Yourself and Your Students
Duration: 1:00
In this workshop, you will learn and experience Somatic Tools for slowing down, speeding up, and letting go, for you and your students. Learn when and how to regulate students and yourself with these effective tools.

Social Information Processing to Help Explain Behavior
Duration: 1:00
This session will use social information processing (SIP) to help understand and explain student behavior. Participants will gain insight into student behavior and develop social skills lessons. This information is also useful for conducting functional behavior assessments (FBAs), identifying antecedents, and creating proactive strategies.

Social-Emotional Super Skills
Duration: 1:00
Superheroes unite to build students’ social and emotional skills in the virtual classroom! This workshop will provide a variety of online SEL activities you can immediately implement. Using a positive, proactive approach to encourage learning and positive behavior is key to student success.

The Explosive Child
Duration: 1:00
Adapted from Dr. Ross W. Greene’s book, The Explosive Child, this workshop tackles challenges in dealing with chronically inflexible and easily frustrated students. Participants will gain a knowledge of possible triggers and causes for students’ difficult behavior, and how to better manage the classroom when challenging students act out. This workshop will challenge participants to see things from a different view and better understand the root causes behind the students’ behavior in an effort to work together collaboratively with both students and parents to find meaningful and lasting solutions for everyone involved.

Thinking Outside the (Chat)Box: 47 Diverse Techniques to Keep Students Engaged Virtually
Duration: 1:00
Challenges to student participation have intensified with the increase of remote learning. Success is directly related to how engaged students are in the classroom. How often should we build in breaks? What are ways to get students moving and active in their learning process? It’s time to use more than our webcams and chat box to involve our students! Join us as we explore multiple immersion methods using a variety of tools.

Understanding Stress, Trauma, and Resilience – Part 1
Duration: 1:00
Part 1 in this series begins with an overview of stress and trauma (including how stress impacts the brain) and focuses on specific ways that educators can manage their own stress by building resilience.

Understanding Stress, Trauma, and Resilience – Part 2
Duration: 1:00
Part 2 considers how stress and trauma impact students and will provide specific strategies and techniques that can be used with students in the classroom and school settings.

Understanding Stress, Trauma, and Resilience – Part 3
Duration: 1:00
Part 3 dives deeper into the effects of stress and trauma and offer specific strategies that can be used with students in the classroom and school settings.

Utilizing Insights to Behavior to Create a Systematic Approach to Put Effective
Behavior Supports and SEL Resources in Place to Improve Student Behavior
Duration: 1:00
Many schools and districts struggle with how to quickly and effectively involve all stakeholders in the process of implementing behavior supports and SEL resources. We have never been in a time that is going to be more important to have resources available to support staff as we bring students back that have potentially been out of the classroom for several months. This workshop will take an in-depth dive into how Insights to Behavior can help facilitate this process.

Working with Reluctant and Resistant Teachers of Students with Behavior Disorder
Duration: 1:00
Students who display challenging behaviors toward teachers and peers perplex and test the patience of even the best teacher. Over time, some teachers struggle with implementing behavior intervention and maintaining motivation to work with these kids. This session with Dr. Edward Schultz will equip the behavior specialist with collaborative strategies to address the needs of both the student and the teacher and improve outcomes.

Small Group Instruction
Duration: 1:00
Small Group Instruction is essential for providing individualized instruction within a classroom of learners with diverse needs. In this session learn the evidence based strategies on how to provide small group instruction in an effective, efficient, and functional way. Sasha Long, M.A., BCBA, provides an overview on considerations for grouping students, how to schedule groups, and what back end organization is vital to keep groups running smoothly. Then, attendees will learn the specific steps to utilize while running groups. These antecedent based interventions will help prevent problem behavior during the work session, allow for consistent data collection, and maximize learning opportunities.

Staying in Control When Kids Are in Crisis
Duration: 1:00
Students today experience high levels of stress and pressure in school. Students with behavior disorders often go from “being stressed” to “crisis mode” quickly and act out verbally and physically. This behavior occurs both in school and at home. Edward K. Schultz, Ph.D. will highlight specific behaviors and actions of the teacher/caregiver which help de-escalate the crisis. This session includes verbal de-escalation techniques, active and reflective listening, and “in the moment” strategies that can be implemented immediately. These techniques utilize universal behavior principles so they will be effective across contexts.

Foundations of Effective Family Guidance
Duration: 1:00
This course provides instruction on developing and maintaining strong relationships with families. Successfully working with families of children with autism and other learning differences requires critical interpersonal skills, as well as technical skills. As practitioners strive to respond efficiently and compassionately to distressed families, technical skills must be balanced with fluency in relationship-building skills that strengthen the commitment to treatment. This course with Alan Fullbright, M.Ed, BCBA, LBA will equip you to have effective family guidance sessions that are meaningful for your student and their family. When families feel that the time they spend with you is meaningful they will be far more likely to continue to attend sessions and that’s a win-win for all!

Decreasing Overrepresentation and Inappropriate Classroom Behaviors by
Improving SLD Identification: Considering All the Data
Duration: 1:00
Proper identification can lead to decreased overrepresentation and decreased behavioral concerns in the classroom. Special education policy requires multiple data sources to be used when determining eligibility for a specific learning disability (SLD). When decisions are made based on limited data (e.g., standard scores), evaluators run the risk of inappropriate eligibility determination. Such practices have resulted in the overidentification of minority groups. Additionally, without appropriate evaluations, academic issues can lead to behavioral issues. This session with Tammy L. Stephens, Ph.D. will discuss special education policy and best practices when identifying students with SLD. Dr. Stephens will highlight the importance of considering all the data when making eligibility decisions to ensure appropriate identification and educational programming