back to school

Back to School Tips for Hybrid Classrooms

Several schools have reported students will be coming back to school this upcoming year worldwide. Although many students will be returning, this doesn’t eliminate the need for hybrid classrooms.

Some parents are still going to feel more comfortable keeping their children home during the year. That’s okay, but it also means that you as an educator need to know what it takes to properly manage a classroom, especially in the hybrid learning setting.

The only way to handle classroom management is to create a guide for everyone to follow.

Below we’ve created some tips that will make classroom management easier to do throughout the changes that come your way this school year.

Set the Tone for the Day

The first tip we have when it comes to managing a classroom is to take the time to interact with each student by greeting them as they enter your classroom. This also goes for welcoming children that are joining the class virtually.

By taking the time to greet students, you get the chance as the head of the classroom to set the tone for the rest of the time they spend in your class. Taking this small moment to interact with students lets them know that you’re here with them and you care.

Students enjoy having teachers speak to them and gain value from these interactions. Ensure you take the time to acknowledge each child by name as they enter the virtual classroom as well. By doing this, you let them know they aren’t forgotten in the rush of the new school year.

This will help cultivate teacher-student relationships, which will only get stronger as the year goes on.

Model the Behavior You Want to See

Most of the time, children won’t simply do as you say, especially if you’re not following your own rules. One of the best tips educators can have when it comes to hybrid classroom management is to model the behavior you want your students to exhibit.

In a way, you serve as a role model for the students, and in their minds, it’s a tangible representation of things they want to embody. They’ll begin to learn that you can reach new levels in life and unlock endless opportunities when you do the things you’re supposed to do.

Some things you can do to show students how you wish them to behave include:

  • Always providing eye contact with students
  • Don’t interrupt them when their speaking and vice versa
  • Acknowledge classroom concerns students have

The students will feel respected and, in turn, want to show you the same level of respect.

Let Students Set the Pace

As mentioned before, students don’t enjoy sitting all day and having their teachers lecture or talk at them. This form of teaching doesn’t get students to buy into learning, nor does it make them open to hearing what you have to teach and show them.

Instead of taking the lead at all times, let students do some of the work. If you plan to have a class discussion on a specific topic, don’t ask the question. Let the students do the asking.

As they continue to ask questions, it makes it more apparent where their minds are and the concepts they might be struggling with. This is a great way to manage your classroom as it also helps you structure future lesson plans.

Remain Present at All Times

It’s easy to provide an assignment and sit at your desk while the students do their work. Instead of doing this, you need to remain alert throughout.

Every so often, leave your desk and walk around the room to ensure students who have questions get the answers and help they need. If you’re sitting at your desk, don’t forget to check in with the students online to see if they have any questions that need to be answered.

Always check in with students while exhibiting a positive attitude or displaying a smile on your face. This display of positivity lets them know you’re there to help in any way you can.

Consistency is Key

In the past, you might have enforced rules one day and forgotten to enforce them another day. The only way to successfully manage your classroom is to stay consistent.

If students see that you pick and choose when to enforce your classroom rules, it could cause disaster.  If you don’t stick to your own rules, why should they? Enforcing your rules daily will increase the likelihood of students following them.

Cultivate Initiative

In some settings, students would rather sit quietly and not participate in the day’s lesson at all. This could be due to several factors like not wanting to be wrong or avoiding judgment from their peers.

Create an atmosphere that prompts students to take the initiative. How does this correlate to classroom management?

When students are allowed to work at their own pace and work ahead, the likelihood of acting out in class is reduced. Some teachers think students don’t enjoy getting ahead in their work, but that’s not the case.

 Quick Tips for Hybrid Classrooms

While several schools bring students into the building, we mustn’t forget about the students who will continue virtual learning. Here are some tips to help you manage your online classroom the same way you manage your in-person classes.

Always remember to:

  • Check-in with students throughout the class period
  • Send reminder emails about classroom assignments 
  • Hold question and answers sessions to help with confusion
  • Post lessons that have been recorded
  • Play interactive online quiz games to review 

By doing these things, you’ll remind your online students that you have not forgotten about them.

Going Back to School

It’s no secret that going back to school will be quite the task for everyone involved. However, with the proper classroom management skills, you can make the experience easier.

If you and your team need more training in behavior management, contact us and register for our next webinar. We’ve done the research for you and can provide the training your team needs to ensure a successful school year.

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Kenton Levings

Modernize your District's Behavior Management with research-based best-practices.

Easily create comprehensive Individual Behavior Intervention Plans for K-12 students in one hour or less with Insights to Behavior.

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